Begin your investigation reading through ALL the newspaper clippings, police documents, photos, evidence, and other items in the case. As you learn about the crime scene, suspects, witnesses and other details of the investigation, look for information or evidence that helps you complete Objective #1.
Just like a real cold case detective, nobody is going to tell you where the answer is.
Just like a real cold case detective, nobody is going to tell you where the answer is.
3. Check Your Theory Online
After you think you've found the evidence you need for Objective #1, visit the online answer key to enter in the documents that prove your theory. CLICK HERE to find the answer key for Objective #1
4. Get Hints If You Need Them
Don't worry if your theory isn't correct because this ain’t easy. If your answer is incorrect you can either return to the case files and dig for more clues or get hints through the online answer key.
The hint button won't appear on the answer key until AFTER you've entered a wrong answer.
The hint button won't appear on the answer key until AFTER you've entered a wrong answer.
5. Open Bonus Envelope A
The answer key will confirm when you have the right evidence and when you can open Bonus Envelope A, which will provide more evidence and your second objective.
6. Repeat for Objectives 2 & 3
Follow those same steps to complete Objectives 2 and 3 and open Bonus Envelopes B and C.
7. Bask in Your Glory Detective
After completing Objective 3, you'll have solved the case and put the killer behind bars. Don't forget to open Bonus Envelope #C for wrap up information and additional goodies about the case.
8. Don't Stop There
If you had fun being a cold case detective, please share your experience on social media or write a review online so others can also have fun being a cold case detective for a few hours.
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