Don't get ahead of yourself, it's too soon to identify the killer. Your focus should be on the four remaining suspects and their alibis. You can prove one of their stories is 100% impossible with the evidence you already have.
The answer key provides up to three hints after you enter a wrong answer.
If you are still stuck, please scroll down to learn more about each hint.
Hint #1
There are only a few photos from the crime scene. Separate those from the rest and explore every square centimeter looking for clues. Something visible in those crime scenes will prove a suspect is not telling the truth.
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Hint #2
If you're working a theory that feels complex you might be on the wrong path. Look through those CSI photos for FACTS. Names, words, numbers, and any other specific facts that cannot be misunderstood.
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Hint #3
The hint you're seeking is barely visible with the naked eye, so if you ever use glasses to read you'll definitely need them here. So, look for clues in the CSI photos that are just barely legible and consider how they align with the 4 suspects' alibis.
Still Lost?
Here's a final hint to get you to the next objective...
One of those cars parked in front of the restaurant shouldn't be there. But which one and who does it belong to?