One of our five suspects is lying. You can't tell the killer yet so it's best to focus only on finding the liar. Read through each suspect's alibi and try to find something they claim they did or didn't do that you can prove is a lie.
The answer key provides up to three hints after you enter a wrong answer.
If you are still stuck, please scroll down to learn more about each hint.
Hint #1
That should narrow it down for you. Focus on the three guys.
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Hint #2
Narrowed down even more. Focus on the two teachers.
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Hint #3
Well, you know who the liar is. Now go through everything he said and look for the lie. It'll be something he claims NOT to have done.
Still Lost?
Here's a final hint to get you to the next objective...
Mr. Gelding said he wasn't in the newspaper room that morning but he was. He wrote something on the chalkboard that could only be written that morning.