Bonus Envelope A was a treasure trove of clues to help find our killer. One of the clues found inside that secret pathway should point to our prime suspect.
The answer key provides up to three hints after you enter a wrong answer.
If you are still stuck, please scroll down to learn more about each hint.
Hint #1
The word puzzle is italicized. It's trying to imply that there's a puzzle to solve here. What elements of your new evidence look like a puzzle?
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Hint #2
You can try unscrambling the letters or actually putting the pieces of glass together like puzzle pieces to determine the label that was on that bottle.
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Hint #3
If that doesn't give you the answer you might want to do a google search for "syrup of"
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Here's a final hint to get you to the next objective...
Syrup of Ipecac is used in the emergency treatment of poisoning. It is used to cause vomiting of the poison