If you are still stuck, please scroll down to learn more about each hint.
Hint #1
Look through the information on the missing girls. There is evidence in your case file that matches and connects your Jane Doe to one of the 5 girls.
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Hint #2
Study the items found in the boat. Something about the items will match information related to one of the missing girls. Pay special attention to any items that contain identity related information.
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Hint #3
Look closely at the jewelry found on the boat. Are any of the pieces personalized or do any have symbols related to identifying information about Jane Doe?
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Here's a final hint to get you to the next objective...
The jewelry found has a Pisces symbol and aquamarine gemstones. Look up the dates for Pisces birthdays and see if the birth date of any of the missing girls matches the dates for Pisces birthdays.