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Hint #1
You now know one of the items needed to solve this objective. This can be combined with information from another item to prove that one of your suspects is lying about their alibi.
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Hint #2
The clue you're looking for will prove that one of your suspects is lying about where they claimed to be at the time of the murder. Think about how time functions in relation to different locations and find a clue that compliments the information you learned from the quilting enthusiasts notification.
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Hint #3
Look at the map, taking note of the time zones and the location of each town. Ask yourself how long it would take to travel from different places and what the time would be in each place before and after the travel.
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Here's a final hint to get you to the next objective...
Jethro, New Mexico is in the Mountain Time Zone, which means the time on the receipt is one hour off.