The Objective is to "Reopen The Case", which means something about the original investigation's conclusion is wrong. You are not trying to prove anyone did anything specific. You are trying to prove that the conclusion made by original investigators would be impossible.
The answer key provides up to three hints after you enter a wrong answer.
If you are still stuck, please scroll down to learn more about each hint.
Hint #1
Notice how the hint references "HER MOTORCYCLE" and "THAT RAVINE"? That's a clue. There's something very specific about her motorcycle that would make it impossible for her to have driven to that ravine.
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Hint #2
There should be a key on the map that will allow you to measure distances. Distance traveled must be important to solve this objective.
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Hint #3
You can determine exactly how far the motorcycle traveled after leaving Town Center Motors. You'll need two items to prove that and one of them is the photo of the cut brake line on the motorcycle.
Still Lost?
Here's a final hint to get you to the next objective...
The ravine is at least 3 miles from Town Center Motors. What was the odometer reading on her motorcycle at the motorcycle shop?