If you are still stuck, please scroll down to learn more about each hint.
Hint #1
You've looked through the school newsletter, but have you paid much attention to the back of it? Revisit the back of the newsletter. You're looking for information that informs what was happening in a specific room in the school on the day Honey was taken.
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Hint #2
Try tracing out the paths each student claims to have taken during lunch. Notice if there are any stories that don't line up to the tracing you're doing. Was every path possible or is someone lying about their journey to class?
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Hint #3
What was happening with the jazz band the day that Honey was taken?
Still Lost?
Here's a final hint to get you to the next objective...
If the gymnasium was occupied while Violet was walking the halls, she wouldn't have been able to cut through it like she claims.